Photo: Rice fields in Mae Wang District, Thailand

Policy and Outreach

Our work on the Child Penalty Atlas featured on the 2024 edition of the LSE Festival, which had "Power and Politics" as a theme. I recorded a short piece for the exhibit, explaining some of our findings from the Atlas, and how they connect to the overarching theme of the festival.

A piece summarising of our findings from the Child Penalty Atlas and its potential policy implications written for LSE's largest public-facing blog.

I was invited to present at the Brazilian Ministry for Social Development's "Sextas com debate" ("discussion Fridays" in a loose translation) seminar series. I present a summary of our global findings from The Child Penalty Atlas, as well as results from my work on Bolsa Familia that have implications for gender disparity in employment in Brazil. Here you can find a video of the event.

I discuss some of our findings from The Child Penalty atlas in an episode of the TV programme "Roundtable", by TRT World.